Mild Ale

Drinking a cold beer and watching the cricket are synonymous with summer in Australia...
The Challenge
Coopers were planning on having some brand-in-hand opportunities through festivals over summer which didn’t go ahead due to COVID.
We wanted to drive engagement in a more secure way that would be unaffected by macro environmental conditions

The Solution
We know that drinking cold beer and watching the cricket are synonymous with summer in Australia. In a year where the Ashes were being held in Australia, we knew interest in cricket would be strong and we leveraged the hotly anticipated return of ‘Triple M Rocks Cricket’ with its beloved commentary team to keep Coopers top of mind with listeners.
A naming rights sponsorship consisted of thousands of brand credits, a spot schedule with talent recorded spots, and live reads we
included meet and greets with some beer education so as the commentators were well versed in Coopers Mild for their on-air banter.
A retailer was brought in as an activation partner to assist with driving trial. A free can of Coopers Mild was given to anyone who bought any case of mid strength beer.